Monday, February 17, 2020

My thoughts as Chief Financial Officer

I wanted to write to you today to talk about the DNC's fundraising as we head towards the general election.
DemocratsJoin us.

Hi Pat,

As Chief Financial Officer of the DNC, I oversee our finances so that we can make critical, strategic investments that will help Democrats win. Thanks to the incredible support of folks like you, 2020 has been off to a strong start so far. But we can't afford to slow down now. Not even for a moment.

The Democratic National Committee relies on loyal members like you to power our fundraising efforts -- a huge percentage of donations to our party are made through DNC emails just like the one you're reading now. Our party is strongest when we come together and work towards a common goal, and that is what I'm asking you to do today:

Will you make a $7 contribution to the Democratic National Committee today? Your contribution will help lift Democrats nationwide -- especially our eventual nominee for president -- to victory this November.

From putting a Democrat in the White House to winning school board elections, we have big goals this year -- but we can't make the investments needed to succeed unless our fundraising stays on track. You know as well as I do that all of this is within reach if we put our heads down and get to work early, but that requires definitive commitments from Democrats like you, Pat.

I know what we've raised, and I know what we need to raise. I also know that we can't get there without you. So, I'll ask once more: Can you step up today and make a $7 contribution to the Democratic Party so we can fund our most important projects?

Thanks as always,


Joe Smolskis
Chief Financial Officer
Democratic National Committee

P.S. We're off to a great start this year, Pat, but we can't afford to slow down. This is the most important election of our lifetimes. Please donate $7, or whatever you can, today to keep up the momentum.

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If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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