Monday, August 15, 2011

Pledge of allegiance to the Tea Party

pacquiao --

If you spent this weekend on a beach or at a barbecue, what you missed was the clearest set of signals we've had yet about the far-right, negative turn the Republican field is taking in this election.

This past weekend as Rick Perry entered the race, we watched Mitt Romney argue that "corporations are people" and Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul -- the two most extreme candidates in the field -- come out on top of the Iowa Straw poll. The Tea Party has all the momentum right now in the GOP primaries, and that's what knocked Tim Pawlenty out of this race. He quit on Sunday.

Disturbingly, the view in the media was that Pawlenty was too "nice" for the Republican voters and "didn't fit with an electorate who wanted confrontation with President Obama at all costs." In other words: You ain't seen nothing yet.

The actual Iowa caucuses are still a half year away, but as the field narrows it's become clear the next six months will feature a divisive cast of Republican candidates and produce a GOP nominee who's pledged allegiance to the Tea Party agenda -- an agenda whose first item is to destroy Democrats no matter the consequences for our country.

While Romney, Perry, Bachmann, and the others continue their race to the right, we're busy organizing -- recruiting new supporters, training volunteers, and building for November 6, 2012. We need you to be a part of it.

Chip in $3 or more to join this fight.

Governor Perry's entry adds a new personality into the mix, but not a single new policy.

Like every one of his opponents, from Mitt Romney to Rick Santorum, he's signed on to the Washington Republican plan that essentially ends Medicare, cuts K-12 education, and eliminates hundreds of thousands of jobs. He shares their view that big corporations, not seniors and middle class families, are the ones in need of some relief.

In a field without policy differences, we can be sure that the nomination will be decided by rhetoric -- and the prize will go to the candidate willing to launch the most vicious, negative attack on our party and our principles.

We've got to be ready to answer that anger with resolve and preparation, and we need to show that their far-right views -- and the dangers they pose to our country -- only make us more committed to winning in 2012.

We can't do it without you. Chip in $3 or more today:



Patrick Gaspard
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Extreme aims

pacquiao --

The 2012 Republicans are in for a real test this week. They're gathering in Iowa for a debate on Thursday and an important straw poll on Saturday where conservative activists will select the person they think ought to be the GOP nominee.

Whoever fares the best in these two contests will come out of the weekend with a burst of momentum. And with so much at stake, you can be sure that these Republicans will reach new lows in their attacks on the President and new extremes in their plans to gut programs that America's seniors and middle class families rely on.

That means we need to be ready to beat back their misstatements with fact-checks, showcase good analysis from other debate watchers, and respond to their attacks in real time.

We want you there with us. Sign up to watch the debate with us on Thursday, and we'll send you a reminder so you don't miss a minute.

Even though this election is just getting started, for some Republicans Thursday might be their last chance for their campaigns to catch fire.

For the current frontrunners, a bad showing might prove to be a disaster.

Both types of candidates deserve a thorough look and an aggressive response from those of us who are committed to debunking their misstatements, defeating their extreme agenda, and reelecting President Obama and other Democrats.

Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, and the rest of the GOP bunch are daydreaming right now about the successes they'll enjoy after this week -- great headlines, new donors, and a wave of volunteer support.

We can make sure that what they wake up to instead are stories about the facts they got wrong and the voters they alienated. But it will take all of us to keep the record straight.

Sign up for a reminder to join us on Thursday:



Brad Woodhouse
Communications Director
Democratic National Committee

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gray hairs

Friend --

Every day, I see Barack make choices he knows will affect every American family. That's no small task for anyone -- and more proof that he's earning every last one of those gray hairs.

This has been a busy week in Washington, but today happens to be Barack's 50th birthday. I'm writing to you because this year, the girls and I would like to do something a little different.

I'm asking friends and supporters of this campaign to wish him a happy birthday by signing his card, and sharing why you're on this journey with us.

Your names and notes will become part of a book that tells the story of this campaign -- who's building it, why we're in this thing, and what he means to us. We'll deliver a copy to Barack and send one to our campaign offices across the country.

Sign the card for Barack.

I've known Barack for more than 20 of his 50 years, and we've been through quite a lot together.

It still amazes me that no matter how many decisions and distractions he's faced with every day, he's always able to focus on the bigger picture. One way he does that is by making time for stories and letters from people like you -- because he knows that this job isn't about him, but about the millions of folks around the country he's fighting for.

This next year will challenge us all to work harder than ever before, but the crucial thing is that you're here now, early on, helping to build this campaign.

I know that, like Barack and me, you have your own reasons why, so I hope you'll take a moment to sign the card and share your story with him and other supporters of this campaign.

Thanks for being a part of this,


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Fwd: Here's the story

pacquiao --

President Obama has recorded a short video to help explain the deal he's reached with Congressional leaders to reduce the deficit and ensure America meets its obligations -- and we wanted to make sure you had a chance to see it. We know there are a lot of questions out there, so please share this with your friends and family.



-------------ORIGINAL MESSAGE-------------
From: Jim Messina,
Subject: Here's the story

Friend --

The President and congressional leaders reached an agreement last night to meet our financial obligations and reduce our deficit.

Many people will have lots to say about this deal -- but the President wanted to talk to you directly.

Watch the video:

Please share this video with everyone you know.



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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