Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Bienal De Diseño ¿Es Posible?

Son muy usuales la bienales de arquitectura en Latinoamérica y el mundo. Varios países tienen bienales de diseño. ¿ Cual es el entorno que hace posible tener un evento de este porte y porque se ve inviable en países como Colombia?
Bienal Brasileña de Diseño 2016
Un evento que cada dos años agrupe, exponga y reflexione sobre la actualidad del diseño nacional. Muy pocos países la tienen y ninguno ha logrado sostenerla consecutivamente por muchos años. Brasil mandó a la nevera la suya que debería tener lugar en la ciudad de Recife en este 2018 tras cuatro ediciones muy exitosas. En América Latina también existen bienales de diseño en México y Chile. La más importante por sobrados méritos a su excelente gestión se hace en  España por iniciativa de la asociación de diseñadores de Madrid desde el 2007 cuando se conformó el comité para hacerlo realidad, se trata de la bienal iberoamericana de diseño, que tiene lugar en Madrid con itinerancia en varios países asociados y una muy buena organización.

Que es una bienal?

Como su nombre lo indica, se hace cada dos años y es una exposición, usualmente acompañada de catálogo y varios eventos paralelos. Su función revelar el estado del arte del sector diseño allí se presentan los lanzamientos de las empresas y casos exitosos donde el diseño ha tenido un papel estratégico.

Cuales diseños:

Es muy diferente hacer una bienal de diseño gráfico, de hecho en Brasil está es separada y es infalible en el calendario puesto que es mucho más fácil de organizar: su exposición se organiza con impresos y pantallas. Algo similar ocurre con las de arquitectura donde se presentan fotos y planos Muy diferente a una exposición que presente producto, esto implica un espacio físico mayor pues estos deben ser expuestos. Nuevas expresiones del diseño, como es el caso del diseño participativo o social, tienen espacio en videos testimoniales.

La sede:

Una bienal tiene una sede que puede ser fija o itinerante en diversas lugares. En México y Chile se hace siempre en un gran museo de la capital, en Brasil en diferentes ciudades. Las organizaciones gremiales o los Centros de Diseño se postulan y es el comité gestor el que decide para donde va la siguiente. La de Brasil se debía hacer en el Nordeste del país en la ciudad de Recife. Por primera vez en un sector por fuera del triángulo industrial brasileño que es en el sur y sudeste. Infelizmente el Centro de Diseño cerró sus puertas y la crísis política y económica brasileña ayudó a que este año no se realizara. Por ahora a quedado aplazada indefinidamente tras seis ediciones excelentes, la última de ellas en Florianópolis ( ver reseña).

Selección y montaje:

Es un trabajo arduo y de equipo montar un mega evento como este. Si bien se abre una convocatoria para recibir postulaciones, es indispensable tener un comité de selección y una curaduría cuya función será crear un hilo conductor, para hacer una exposición relevante, el curador  también convoca, no solo a las empresas y a los diseñadores como a otros actores que le den un marco conceptual al evento.  La participación puede ser considerado un premio y también la organización puede crear un sello de calidad a los productos destacados.  

Gestión, apoyos y financiación:

Una bienal no es comercial a diferencia de  eventos de más resonancia como las "semanas del diseño" o design week, que también son más dinámicas pues asocian a tiendas y ferias. En las bienales de diseño gráfico y arquitectura, el aporte de participación es la principal fuente de financiación. Una bienal especialmente si incluye diseño de productos  requiere de apoyo institucional y estatal. La institucionalidad viene de asociaciones o cámaras de diseño que hacen la gestión y apoyo y en Brasil también desde Centros de Diseño , instituciones ligadas al sector productivo que hacen de puente entre este y los diseñadores. El apoyo financiero de instituciones gubernamentales y eventualmente privadas. Para el arranque de la bienal iberoamericana de diseño fue fundamental el apoyo del Banco Santander.  Esta bienal mantiene un esquema económico mixto: Inscripción + apoyos dentro de la asociación de diseñadores de Madríd. Los apoyos estatales los dan países que tienen claro que el diseño es un activo de alto valor estratégico para el crecimiento empresarial y las exportaciones del país y vienen desde los ministerios de industria y de cultura. Como no es fácil conseguir una muestra fuerte en paises que no tienen mucha tradición industrial, una estrategia interesante es abrirla a países vecinos o culturalmente similares. Es precisamente lo que hace la Bienal Española, ahora Iberoamericana. Mucho mejor juntar voluntades, esto redunda en calidad y cantidad.

¿En Colombia?.

La bienal se hace cuando se tienen industrias fuertes orgullosas de sus productos, asociaciones profesionales nacionales y locales tanto de empresas como de colectivos de diseñadores, políticas estatales que consideran el diseño dentro de sus estratégias para desarrollo y exportaciones y que también lo consideran un activo cultural.  Todo lo contrario de lo que sucede en Colombia donde apenas existe una asociación académica afortunadamente muy activa pero insuficiente, no hay ningún apoyo o interés y un diseño poco destacable justamente por lo anterior. Por ahora lo mejor es seguir sumando esfuerzos desde la Bienal Iberoamericana y bregar para que haga una escala en nuestro país.          Read more
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Joe Biden just announced:

Joe Biden announced the Every Seat Fund, and now it needs your support before tonight's deadline.

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If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, www.Democrats.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

urgent re: tonight’s deadline

With only hours left until the first quarterly FEC deadline of the 2020 general election, I'm asking for your help.
DemocratsJoin us.

There are only a few hours left before tonight's Q2 FEC deadline, so I'll cut to the chase: We need 36 more donors from Carrollton to donate $7 in these final few hours in order to hit our end-of-quarter fundraising goal.

Need more donors from your city

These last few hours will tell us if we'll be able to keep our foot on the gas for Joe Biden and countless Democrats in tight races. What this team can raise together before midnight will play a huge role in determining key staffing, advertising, and organizing strategies for the remainder of the race -- which is why we simply cannot fall short of this hugely important goal.

According to your donor file, it looks like you haven't yet made a contribution to the DNC this year. It is critical that our party is well-resourced at this early stage of the election, so believe me when I tell you that any donation you can afford today will make a big impact.

Please, Pat, will you make a $7 donation to the DNC before tonight's quarterly FEC deadline? We're almost there, and I know that if we get enough individual contributions we can hit our goal in time.

As the DNC's chief financial officer, I see every day that the strength of our party depends entirely on the strength of our grassroots. That's why I'm coming to you with only hours left until tonight's deadline.

We're seeing it in the streets, in the news, and in our own communities: The stakes in this election are far too great to take any chances. If there is any hope of taking back the White House, flipping the Senate, and expanding our House majority, we'll need every single member of this team to step up and do whatever they can to support Democrats running for office nationwide. Pat, we're relying on folks like you to help us across the finish line.

If just 36 more people from Carrollton donate $7 to the DNC right now, we will hit our first quarterly fundraising goal of the general election. Pat, will you be one of them?

Thanks for all that you do to support Democrats,


Joe Smolskis
Chief Financial Officer
Democratic National Committee

P.S. There has never been a more important moment in this election to step up and show your commitment to our party. Please, be one of 36 more people from Carrollton to donate $7 before tonight's deadline.

If you no longer wish to receive emails from the DNC, submit this form to unsubscribe. If you'd only like to receive our most important messages, sign up to receive less email.

If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, www.Democrats.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

re: justice

The entire nation has mobilized to reject centuries-old systems of oppression and injustice, and now the entire world is watching to see what we do next.
DemocratsJoin us.

Pat --

I spent six years leading the Department of Justice during President Obama's administration, so I had a front row seat to Joe Biden's commitment to tackling some of the biggest issues we faced as a nation. If he's elected this November, I have no doubt that he'll continue to push forward on the progress we made together during the Obama-Biden years. But it's up to us to make that happen.

If Joe Biden is going to have any shot at winning the White House this fall, he's going to need a grassroots movement behind him -- and that includes folks like you.

The DNC is the only party committee working directly with the Biden campaign to elect him and all other Democratic candidates on the ballot -- and we're coming up on a critical FEC deadline at midnight. What our party can raise before this quarterly deadline will play a big role in how prepared we are to ensure VP Biden and Democrats win this year.

If you can, please donate $7 to the DNC before tonight's important end-of-quarter FEC deadline. Any amount you can contribute will help restore the values of truth, equality, and justice to our nation's highest office and to seats across the country.

The entire nation has mobilized to reject centuries-old systems of oppression and injustice, and now the entire world is watching to see what we do next.

Now more than ever, we must come together to build a movement that puts in place the structural reforms necessary for the sweeping changes that are desperately needed. Donald Trump and Republicans have proven where they stand -- and now it's on each of us to do all we can to elect Joe Biden and Democrats in every state, city, and ZIP code.

That is where you come in, Pat. The policies and progress that working families need can't happen without Democrats in the Oval Office, in Congress, and in state and local government -- and that is why the DNC is organizing to win at every level. Right now, before tonight's quarterly deadline, is a tremendously important time for our party to raise as much grassroots money as possible, so I'll ask you one more time:

Can you spare a $7 donation to the DNC before tonight's end-of-quarter deadline? If Democrats don't have the funds to compete this year, we could risk four more years of ineptitude and attacks on our democracy.

Thank you and stay safe,


Eric H. Holder Jr.

If you no longer wish to receive emails from the DNC, submit this form to unsubscribe. If you'd only like to receive our most important messages, sign up to receive less email.

If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, www.Democrats.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

re: Obama’s email

I wanted to see if you had a chance to read President Obama's message to you last week.
DemocratsJoin us.

Pat --

Before tonight's critical end-of-quarter deadline, I wanted to make sure you saw President Obama's email to you last Thursday. Obama said it best himself: In these final months before Election Day, it's critical that we come together and build the resources we'll need to win the White House, flip the Senate, and expand our House majority.

June's end-of-quarter deadline is just hours away.

Our quarterly deadline is now just hours away, and if we don't hit our goal, the consequences for our Democratic candidates could be dire. But we can get there if each person on this team chips in.

Will you take a moment to read President Obama's message and then chip in $7 before our midnight deadline?

In unity,


-----Forwarded message-----
Sender: Barack Obama
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020
Subject: Hey, Pat

Joe Biden was at my side 12 years ago when I called on Americans to believe in our collective power to bring about change. Today, I'm proud to stand alongside him as he fights to restore the soul of this nation, as he so often says. But he'll need a whole lot more than just me on his team.

He needs you in this fight too, Pat.

The truth is, Joe needs all of us at his back if we've got any chance of winning in November -- the most important election of our lifetimes. We've not only got to put Joe in the White House, but elect Democrats to Senate, House, and state and local offices all across our country.

This work will not be easy, but working together is the only way we can achieve the progress that we're hoping for.

If you can, I am asking you to donate your very first $7 contribution to the DNC's Democratic Unity Fund today. Every dollar of every investment made today will push us closer to electing Joe Biden and Democrats across the country.

This fall, we can create a real turning point in our nation's long journey toward a more perfect union. But I'm afraid that if we don't do the work to unify our party and invest in the foundation that our candidates need, we could miss this chance, Pat.

Achieving the policy changes that people across our nation have been advocating, marching, and speaking out for often requires that we elect the right leadership. And to do that, we'll need to fully support the Democratic Unity Fund in time for this general election.

The DNC can't do this work alone, and neither can Joe and his campaign. I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and commit to this work. I hope you are, too.

Donate $7, or anything you can, to the Democratic Unity Fund today. Even a small contribution will make a big difference in our fight to elect my friend Joe Biden and Democrats across the nation.

I hope you'll keep speaking up, voting, and fighting for change, Pat. I'm right there beside you.


Barack Obama

P.S. A strong Democratic Unity Fund can pave the way for Democratic victories everywhere, so if you're in a position to do so, please make your first $7 investment into the fund today.

If you no longer wish to receive emails from the DNC, submit this form to unsubscribe. If you'd only like to receive our most important messages, sign up to receive less email.

If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, www.Democrats.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Take a look at this Senate polling →

The Senate looks good for Democrats in November, Pat​.
These Republicans are struggling in recent polls: Thom Tillis (NC), Susan Collins (ME), Cory Gardner (CO), Martha McSally (AZ) Including South Carolina and Montana. Here's what the DNC has on file for you: Will you chip in before tomorrow so we can take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell?

Photo: Derivative of Gage Skidmore Photo. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo: Derivative of Gage Skidmore Photo. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo: Derivative of Gage Skidmore Photo. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo: Derivative of Gage Skidmore Photo. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo: Derivative of Gage Skidmore Photo. CC BY-SA 2.0.

If you no longer wish to receive emails from the DNC, submit this form to unsubscribe. If you'd only like to receive our most important messages, sign up to receive less email.

If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, www.Democrats.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.