| We're sending out personalized tickets for next week's Democratic National Convention -- and as one of our strongest supporters, I wanted to be sure you reserved yours: Chip in $7 or more to the Biden Victory Fund right now, and we'll send you your personalized ticket to the Democratic National Convention. We're entering the final stretch of this election stronger than our party's ever been, and we wouldn't be here without you, Pat. Thanks to this grassroots team, we've been able to make historic investments in organizing, data, technology, and more -- investments that are already helping thousands of Democratic campaigns up and down the ballot. Make no mistake: We have a lot of work to do still. But headed into this convention, we have a lot to celebrate, too. That's why, as one of our strongest supporters, I hope you'll take this opportunity to claim a piece of history by reserving your personalized 2020 convention ticket before we run out. Can I count on you to donate $7 to the Biden Victory Fund? A donation today -- of any amount you can spare -- will reserve you a personalized, exclusive Democratic National Convention ticket. In unity, Tom Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee P.S. You've been a huge help to our party and to Joe Biden's campaign already, and we can't think of a better way to say thank you than to make sure you own a piece of this historic moment. I hope you'll donate $7 to the Biden Victory Fund to reserve your personalized Democratic National Convention ticket before we run out. | | If you no longer wish to receive our emails, submit this form to unsubscribe If you'd only like to receive our most important messages, sign up to receive less email. Contributions or gifts to Biden Victory Fund are not tax deductible. The first $5,600/$10,000 from a person/multicandidate committee ("PAC") will be allocated to Biden for President, with the first $2,800/$5,000 designated for the primary and the next $2,800/$5,000 for the general election. For contributions made after the primary, the full amount of the contribution, up to $2,800/$5,000, will be designated for the general election. The next $35,500/$15,000 from a person/PAC will be allocated to the DNC. The next $150,000/$75,000 from a person/PAC will be split equally among the Democratic state parties from: AZ, CO, FL, GA, MI, MN, NC, NE, NH, NV, OH, PA, TX, VA, and WI. The next $110,000/$55,000 from a person/PAC will be split equally among the Democratic state parties from: AL, DE, KS, LA, MA, MD, MS, NJ, NY, VT, and WV. The next $110,000/$55,000 from a person/PAC will be split equally among the Democratic state parties from: AK, ID, IN, KY, ME, MO, MT, ND, NM, SC, and TN. Any additional funds will be allocated to the DNC, subject to applicable contribution limits. A contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular participant or participants. The allocation formula above may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Paid for by Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Biden for President, the Democratic National Committee and the State Democratic Parties in these states: AK, AL, AZ, CO, DE, FL, GA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, and WV. If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party! | | |
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