Friday, July 10, 2020

This is an honest email about November →

The simple truth is that elections are not won solely on ideas and earnest intentions.
DemocratsJoin us.

Pat, in just a moment, I'm going to ask you to split a $10 donation between my campaign for president and the DNC today. I know times are tough for a lot of folks right now, but I hope you'll give me the chance to explain why your support is so critical at this pivotal moment in the race.

July marks the beginning of the last full fundraising quarter before Election Day. This means that the campaign infrastructure we've spent months building will be put to the test as we face off against Donald Trump and his allies in the general election. Here's where your support comes in, Pat: The programs we've worked so hard to build won't mean anything if we don't have the resources to sustain them between now and November. That's why a contribution of any amount, made now, is crucial to the longevity of this movement. Without it, we could risk running out of steam right when it matters most.

Democrats nationwide, including me, are relying on supporters like you to step up and demonstrate your commitment to the success of our party. Please, split a $10 donation between my campaign and the DNC.

The simple truth is that elections are not won solely on ideas and earnest intentions. In order to take back the White House, flip the Senate, and expand our House majority, Democrats nationwide need resources to run competitive campaigns against the GOP.

I know that there are a lot of ways you can choose to spend your hard-earned dollars, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that your support at this point in the race could make or break our chances come November. If you can spare anything today for my campaign and our party -- even a few bucks -- it'd go a long way.

Please, Pat, if you can, make a $10 donation to the DNC and my campaign today. Any amount you can contribute will be put to work straight away helping Democrats up and down the ballot scale up our campaigns in this final sprint towards November.

If we buckle down now and stay focused, I know there's nothing we cannot achieve together.

All my best,


Joe Biden

P.S. I wouldn't be reaching out if it weren't so important, Pat. Make your first $10 split donation today so that Democrats aren't left empty handed as we head into the most consequential election of our lifetimes.

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If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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