Friday, July 10, 2020

re: Roger Stone

What is Donald Trump focused on right now?
DemocratsJoin us.

COVID-19 is devastating our communities and our economy. New infections in the U.S. just reached their seventh single-day record in 11 days. Hospitals are filling up, and ICUs in cities across the country are getting overwhelmed.

And what is Donald Trump focused on right now? Commuting the sentence of his longtime associate Roger Stone, just days before he was set to go to prison for lying to Congress, witness tampering, and obstructing committee proceedings.

I'm fed up, Pat. Trump cannot be bothered to care about the 130,000 -- and counting -- Americans who have died from this pandemic, or the millions who've lost work. This moment in history demands nothing less than real, responsible leadership, which is why I'm asking you to take urgent action today:

Commit to voting in real, competent leadership this November by electing Democrats up and down the ticket:

It's clear we need a change in leadership if we're going to get our country back on track. That means winning more than the White House. It means taking back the Senate and holding on to our House majority, too.

In moments like these -- where Trump's actions defy reason, compassion, and common decency -- it's especially important that we recommit to our shared mission: electing Democrats who will lead and govern with our shared values.

Pat, can you recommit to this fight to elect Democratic leaders by adding your name today?

I wish I could offer you an easy way out of this. A switch to flip that would end the devastating vacuum of leadership coming from the White House. A quick reset to American's leadership on the world stage.

The hard truth, one we must reckon with together, is that there is no easy way out. There's only the hard work we're putting in together, every day, to build a movement powerful enough to defeat Trump and elect Democrats up and down the ticket.

Today, we channel our anger to recommit to this fight. Tomorrow, we continue doing the work.

Let's win this thing. Our nation depends on it.


Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee

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