I hoped I wouldn't have to write this message to you tonight, Pat. But as a member of this team, it's important that you always know the truth about where our party stands:

Unless we pick up our fundraising pace, we're in danger of falling short of our July fundraising goal. We can't afford that scenario at this critical stage of the race, so I'm asking if you'd be one of the 36 more people from Carrollton we still need to chip in.
If you can, please give $7, or whatever you can, to help our party close the gap on our fundraising goal before midnight. We only have a few hours left, but if every person reading this email pitched in, we could get back on track immediately.
Our fundraising team considers two important factors when calculating our monthly fundraising projections: The number of past DNC donors who will donate again before the month ends, plus the number of new donors who will rise to the occasion and chip in for the first time. That means that, as someone who has yet to make their first donation of this year, your contribution today is an important part of reaching our July goal.
Right now, if 36 more people like you from Carrollton make a donation, we can stay on track and reach our goal together. I have to ask one more time before midnight:
Will you contribute $7 to the DNC ahead of tonight's deadline? Our goal is within reach, but only if enough people step off the sidelines and make an investment in our party.
Thank you for all that you do,
Mary Beth
Mary Beth Cahill
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee
P.S. Winning this election depends on each of us doing our part, Pat, and that means that none of us on this team can simply rely on others to do the hard work of organizing, donating, and staying engaged for us. This incredible grassroots team has the power to make all the difference in this race, so please rush a last-minute $7 donation to help close the gap on our FEC fundraising goal.
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