Pat -- There is a catastrophe happening at our southern border right now -- and Trump's executive order doesn't end this humanitarian crisis. Thousands of children have been torn from their parents and there is currently no clear plan to reunite the families that have been separated. It is up to all of us to fight back against the Trump administration's shameful treatment of children and families. Add your name to say you oppose their cruel separation of families at the border. Thank you, Senator Jeff Merkley ----------Forwarded Message---------- Sender: U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley Date: Tues, June 19, 2018 Subject: Add your name → Tell the government to stop separating families Earlier this month, when I traveled down to our southern border to visit an immigrant detention facility for children, they wouldn't let me inside. They called the police. It's outrageous to think a U.S. senator would be barred from entering a federal facility to check on the welfare of children. Such visits are essential to make sure we know what's going on in these facilities and that the children's needs are being met. At a different facility, a border processing center, I did get in and saw a scene that's seared into my mind: young boys and girls who had been ripped away from their parents with no idea when they might see them again. The Trump administration is inflicting harm on children as a strategy for deterring others from coming to the U.S. They are using children as pawns to deter other immigrant parents -- many seeking asylum to get their families to safety, and out of unthinkable situations like domestic abuse or gang violence. This is morally bankrupt and wrong on every level. American taxpayers are funding this operation, so each one of us has a stake in how these children are being treated and how this policy is enacted. This is being done in our names. We must fight back against the Trump administration's inhumane treatment of children and families. Add your name to say you oppose this cruel policy that separates families at the border. Can you imagine coming to a new country seeking asylum from violence, only to have your family torn apart? Throughout our history, individuals have come here from all parts of the globe to build a better life -- including my own family. As Democrats, we believe that all people deserve to be treated fairly and with dignity -- not have their children ripped away from them. I want to be very clear: The Trump administration is inflicting harm on immigrant families as a strategy for deterring them from coming to the U.S. They think they can discourage immigrants from seeking asylum by breaking families apart at the border. Right now it is up to every single one of us to speak out against this assault on immigrant families that thousands of children have already endured. Add your name to condemn the Trump administration's shameful family-separation policies. Tearing apart families at the border is wrong and must end immediately. Thanks for being a part of this fight and standing up for children, Senator Jeff Merkley |
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