Wednesday, October 17, 2018

We don't have this in the bag, Pat

What happens on November 6 will ultimately be decided by what we do together in the next 20 days -- starting with what our party raises before tonight's midnight deadline.

DemocratsJoin us.
I'm worried, Pat.

People are talking about this election like it's already over. They think we have it all in the bag -- but the blue wave is anything but certain.

There are 20 days standing between us and Election Day, and there's a very real chance that the GOP could hold the House and Senate if we don't fight with everything we've got. What we do before the final FEC fundraising deadline of the election at midnight tonight will determine how many voters our party is able to reach during this final stretch. So I'm asking you directly:

I know I can count on you because you donated in 2016. Will you make a $3 contribution before tonight's critical FEC deadline to help elect Democrats nationwide this year?

We have the opportunity to pick up seats across the country, but we can't pack it up and say that's good enough for us. This isn't a normal election year, Pat.

We've got a Republican majority in Congress whose greatest accomplishments are passing a tax break for corporations and the mega-rich and trying repeatedly to strip health care from millions of Americans. Plus, they've proven they are not a check on Donald Trump or his administration.

We can't win a few races and call it a day -- and we can't just have our sights set on taking back the House. We must fight all across the country for mayorships, state legislatures, governorships, the House AND the Senate.

With the clock ticking toward midnight -- and only a limited amount of time to ensure our candidates win -- there has never been a more urgent time to show your support.

Donate $3 before midnight tonight to stand with Democrats in the homestretch of this year's elections.

Let's get to work!


Howard Dean
Former DNC Chair
79th Governor of Vermont

P.S. What happens on November 6 will ultimately be decided by what we do together in the next 20 days. Before midnight tonight, please donate $3 to help fund critical get-out-the-vote programs in all 50 states.

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