Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Pat vs. the NRA


Pat --

Some of the most painful and rewarding conversations I had on the campaign trail in 2015 and 2016 were with parents who had lost their children to gun violence. They told me about their grief, and also about their anger and frustration toward a political system that couldn’t seem to take action to prevent other kids from dying from unnecessary gun violence.

I was proud to fight for those parents, and I’m sorry that we weren’t able to make progress for their sake. But we have another chance this fall, when eight brave candidates for House and Senate will be on the ballot facing some of the gun lobby's biggest defenders.

Chip in $25 to help raise $1 million today to fight back in races where the NRA has made massive investments, and your support will be split equally among all eight campaigns.

Colin Allred, Jennifer Wexton, Jacky Rosen, Jason Crow, Susan Wild, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, Josh Harder, and Mike Levin are working as hard as they can to talk to voters about how gun violence has affected their lives, and what we can all do to make our communities safer.

I’m proud to be teaming up with Senator Chris Murphy who spearheaded this campaign, a whole host of other Democrats in the Senate including my friend Senator Tim Kaine, and many of the organizations working to prevent gun violence in this effort to fight back against an influx of NRA spending in these seven districts and one state where our campaign won in 2016.

We can stand up to the gun lobby and stand up for our future. I know we can, and I’m counting on you to help do it. Make a donation right now:

Donate now

Thank you,



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