Wednesday, October 31, 2018

⏱ LAST CHANCE → We still need 2 people in Carrollton ⏱

Tonight is our final deadline before Election Day. Make a donation today to help Democrats win back seats all across the country.

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

You donated $10 in October 2016 → Will you donate again before tonight's deadline?

Our final deadline of this election cycle is tonight at midnight. You've stepped up before a critical election before -- can you make your first October donation right now?

DemocratsJoin us.
When it comes to stepping up right before major elections, you're a star donor, Pat! I know that because you donated $10 in October 2016.

Our final deadline of this election cycle is tonight at midnight, and I am coming to you directly because you're someone who's proven that you step up at critical moments like these. The last-minute investments our party is able to make in get-out-the-vote programs during these final days will determine how many victories we celebrate on November 6. So I'm asking:

Will you match your previous support and donate $10 before midnight tonight to help Democrats get out the vote?

NAME: Pat Tidwell


Tomorrow morning I will be reaching out to campaigns and state parties to say where we can and cannot afford to make investments between now and Election Day. What our party raises before tonight's deadline could truly make or break Democratic victories across the country.

You've stepped up right before a critical election before -- I know we can count on you again, Pat.

Donate $10 before tonight's deadline to fund last-minute get-out-the-vote efforts.

Thank you,


Joe Smolskis
Chief Financial Officer
Democratic National Committee

P.S. This is the contribution history that is associated with this email address: If you've donated with another email address, or to another party committee or campaign, your support won't be reflected here.

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Can you donate before tonight's deadline?

The outcome on November 6 will be decided by what we do together ahead of tonight's final fundraising deadline. Make a contribution right now to stand with Democrats nationwide.

DemocratsJoin us.
Tonight at midnight is the final fundraising deadline before Election Day, Pat.

This is a make-or-break moment for Democrats -- every contribution made today will determine the level of support the DNC can send our candidates in all 50 states to run their get-out-the-vote programs.

According to our records, you last donated in 2016. With just days left in the cycle, will you make a $3 donation before tonight's deadline?

Tomorrow morning we're going to be sitting down and making some final decisions about what investments we can make to help Democrats get out the vote. The number of races our party will be able to invest in during the final days of this election cycle depends on you, Pat. A donation right now could be the difference between winning or losing on November 6.

That's why I'm asking: Can you make a $3 donation before midnight?

Thanks for your support,


Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

This is important, Pat

It's going to be a close election, Pat. The only number that matters right now is the number of Americans who turn out to vote.

DemocratsJoin us.
It's going to be a close election, Pat. The only number that matters right now is the number of Americans who turn out to vote.

You've stood with me when I needed you to the most. I know I can count on you -- that's why I'm calling on you one more time.

Will you chip in $3 to elect Democrats in next week's elections? There couldn't be more at stake:

Thank you, Pat.


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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Jacky + Kyrsten

Tonight is our final deadline before Election Day. Make a donation today to help Democrats win back seats all across the country.

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pat, I am asking you personally

Tomorrow at midnight is the last deadline of this election cycle, and I'm counting on you to make a contribution to stand with Democrats nationwide.

DemocratsJoin us.
This is the most consequential election in our lifetime, Pat.

For the next seven days, we have to pour our heart and soul into this fight. Our democracy, our health care, our basic institutions, and everything we stand for as Americans are at stake.

Tomorrow at midnight is the final deadline before Election Day. There has never been a more urgent and important time to contribute to help Democrats take back Congress, flip state legislatures, and win seats nationwide. That's why I'm asking:

You donated in 2016 -- thank you. Can I count on you to make your first $3 donation of 2018 before tomorrow's final deadline?

I cannot emphasize enough how critical these next few days are for Democrats. I've been traveling all across the country, from Ohio to Nevada to Florida to Georgia to South Carolina, and I can tell you for a fact that Democratic candidates and state parties are putting everything they've got into this fight. They deserve our support -- and they need it to win.

In our country, we don't quit, we don't give up, and we don't stop when the going gets tough. That's what this election is about -- so I am asking you:

Make a $3 donation right now to elect Democrats nationwide. This is a critical moment and Democratic candidates are counting on your support.

Thank you,


Cory Booker
U.S. Senator, New Jersey

P.S. Democrats across the country have one week left to run critical get-out-the-vote programs -- and they won't be able to reach the voters they need to win unless they have your support. Trust me, even $3 can make a difference. Please chip in if you are able.

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

4 supporters from Carrollton → Will you be one of them, Pat?

Tomorrow is the final fundraising deadline before Election Day -- and time is running out to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.

DemocratsJoin us.
Tomorrow is the final fundraising deadline of this election, Pat -- and the DNC is counting on 4 supporters from Carrollton to chip in before then to fully fund our party's get-out-the-vote efforts.

You donated to the DNC in the past -- but our records show you have not contributed yet this year. This deadline is a make-or-break moment -- there has never been more at stake for our party.

That's why, before we close the books on October, I wanted you to get one more chance to look at what we have on file for you this year. In the past you donated $10. Will you match that amount before tomorrow's deadline?

NAME: Pat Tidwell
2018 DONOR: No -- not yet!
2018 TOTAL: $0
YEAR OF LAST DONATION: A previous year


Our party has the opportunity to make incredible gains in one week, Pat. But that will only happen if every single one of us steps up right now to bring it home for Democrats -- starting with 4 supporters from Carrollton before tomorrow's deadline.

Whether or not the DNC can fund get-out-the-vote programs in these final days will come down to what grassroots donors chip in before the deadline.

That's why I'm asking: Will you match your 2016 total by donating $10 right now before tomorrow's deadline and stand with Democrats nationwide at this critical moment?

Thanks for all you do,


Joe Smolskis
Chief Financial Officer
Democratic National Committee

P.S. This is the contribution history that is associated with this email address: If you've donated with another email address, or to another party committee or campaign, your support won't be reflected here. If you think there's an issue with your contribution history shown above, just reply to this email and we'll try to sort it out. Thank you!

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

I need to ask, Pat

In order to win sweeping victories up and down the ballot and make history in just seven days, our party needs to hit October's fundraising goal.

DemocratsJoin us.
Donating to the Democratic Party before tomorrow's final deadline is the best way to put a check on Donald Trump, Pat.

You donated to the Democratic Party in 2016, and I want to thank you for standing with Democrats. You haven't donated yet this year, and right now is a critical moment for the future of our party and the soul of our country. Which is why I'm asking:

Will you make a $3 donation before tomorrow's important fundraising deadline?

In this year's midterm elections, we have the opportunity to elect a historic number of women, people of color, and first-time candidates to Congress. We can make Stacey Abrams the first Black woman governor our country has ever had. We can make Jahana Hayes the first Black woman to represent Connecticut in Congress. And we can make Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids the first Native American women to serve in Congress.

That's why I'm excited about these elections -- because they're not just about sending the strongest possible rebuke to Trump. They're about rebuilding our party from the ground up and making our leaders look more like us.

In order to win sweeping victories up and down the ballot and make history in just seven days, our party needs to fund critical get-out-the-vote programs to mobilize a record number of voters to the polls.

If the DNC comes up short of this month's fundraising goal at midnight tomorrow, state parties and candidates organizing all across the country could be faced with hard decisions. We don't get another shot at this election -- and there's nothing more important than what we do in the days ahead.

Will you donate $3 right now to stand with Democrats before the last fundraising deadline before Election Day?

Thanks for all you do,


Kamala Harris
U.S. Senator, California

P.S. Tomorrow at midnight marks the final fundraising deadline of this election, Pat. We need to make sure that Democrats nationwide have the resources they need to get out the vote on November 6. Make a $3 donation before tomorrow's deadline to elect Democrats.

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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We ought to know better, Pat

I firmly believe we can restore hope and faith in our democracy. If you believe the same and want to elect Democrats who will lead with our values, make a donation today.

DemocratsJoin us.
People are calling this year's election as good as gold for Democrats -- saying that we've locked up the House.

We really ought to know better, Pat.

This election isn't over until the last vote is cast. In seven days we can start putting our country back on the right track, but we've gotta give Democrats the resources needed to get voters to the polls, and we have to do it right now.

I'm not taking anything for granted and I know you won't either because you donated to help elect Democrats in 2016. That's why I'm asking you to make a $3 donation ahead of tomorrow's final fundraising deadline before Election Day.

I've seen plenty of national elections in my lifetime, Pat -- and trust me, we don't have this one in the bag quite yet. That doesn't mean I feel bad about our chances -- it just means that anything can happen in these final seven days.

Here's one thing I know for sure: Republicans are going to fight like hell to defend their majorities. If we're going to win this one, we need to fight just as hard as they do.

It is up to us, Pat. We have to get together now and put our support behind down-ballot, House, and Senate races. We can't let our candidates come up short, so I'm asking you:

Make a $3 donation before tomorrow's deadline to help Democrats win in seven days.

Thank you for standing with Democrats nationwide ahead of the most important election of our lifetime.

All the best,

Joe Biden

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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📊 New House polls: 📊

Tomorrow is our final deadline before Election Day. Make a donation today to help Democrats win back seats all across the country.

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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