Friday, February 24, 2017

SIGN ON: Tell Congress to investigate Trump's ties with Russia

We need an independent investigation into Trump's ties with Russia.
DemocratsJoin us.
New details are trickling out every day about the Trump administration's ties to Russia. Add your name to demand an independent investigation immediately:

Did you hear about the terrorist attack in Sweden?

Me neither. And neither did millions of confused Swedes. So why was Donald Trump talking about one in front of a huge crowd at his first re-election campaign rally last week?

The answer is pretty simple. When Donald Trump wants to sweep something under the rug, he invents a distraction. The thing he doesn't want you to see: the new details that are trickling out every day about his administration's ties to Russia.

Don't let the smokescreen fool you. Donald can shout "fake news" all he wants, and make up fictional attacks from Bowling Green to Stockholm and everywhere in between.

But the fact remains that there are serious questions that need to be answered. Did Trump's campaign coordinate with Russian intelligence to sabotage our democracy? Does Trump keep lavishing praise on Putin as payback for helping Trump win? Is he being blackmailed by the Kremlin?

We can't stop Trump from lying ten times a minute, but we can keep the pressure on Republicans in Congress to not let this administration off the hook.

Add your name to demand an independent investigation into Trump and Russia immediately:

Thanks for keeping this up,


Eric Walker
Deputy Communications Director
Democratic National Committee

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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