Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Here's what keeps me going:

Get your Official Democratic Membership Card today
DemocratsJoin us.
The fight against Trump and the GOP's extreme agenda starts right now. Chip in $10 or more to support Democrats and get your Official Democratic Membership Card:

Friend --

President Obama's farewell address last week reminded me exactly why I'm so proud to be a Democrat.

The Democratic Party is a beacon of hope for people of all races and backgrounds. We have seen good days and bad, but even in our most difficult moments, we never give up on our core belief that every person in this country deserves a chance to get ahead.

I'll admit that the future looks bleak and more than a little scary with this next administration and Republican-led Congress. But being a Democrat and knowing what our party's role will be over the next few years -- to stand up for every hardworking American -- is what's keeping me going. This Party has broad shoulders, and while I know that our task over the next few years is going to be hard at times, I am excited to fight alongside you and other Democrats to make a fairer, more inclusive, and more equal America.

I know you feel the same way I do, so I'm asking you to pitch in $10 or more now, and we'll send you your Official 2017 Democratic Membership Card. Once you get your card, show all your friends and let them know why you're proud to be a Democrat.

If you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately.






Or donate another amount:

Thanks -- now let's get to work!


Lindsey Reynolds
Chief Operating Officer
Democratic National Committee

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible.

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