Friday, May 29, 2020

Social distancing may have changed the campaign landscape, but the fundamentals remain the same

Winning elections is expensive, which is why the DNC is so vital for Democrats down-the-ballot.
DemocratsJoin us.

Donald Trump and Republicans are terrified of the collective power we hold when Democrats come together, Pat. It's evident in their attacks on voting rights in states across the country, including in our great state of Texas.

But we've seen this page in their playbook before -- and we know exactly what we have to do in order to fight back and win. Democrats have a responsibility to challenge the GOP's attacks on our democracy and to unite as one people-powered movement and elect leaders who are accountable to the people. It's why I endorsed Joe Biden for president, and why I'm urging you to support the DNC before their end-of-month deadline this Sunday.

Our victory depends on the strength of party organizations like the DNC and their ability to support Democrats in races at every level -- especially for down-ballot candidates with smaller campaigns. The DNC's Data Warehouse and tech teams are just a couple of resources that VP Biden and Democrats in battleground states like ours will depend on, so each of us must do our part to power and scale this critical work while it's early in the race. Our time is running out quickly, Pat, so I'm asking you:

Will you donate $7 to the DNC before Sunday's end-of-month deadline to fuel the resources that Joe Biden and Democrats everywhere are counting on to win? Your support, while it's early enough in the general election, means more than you know.

Social distancing guidelines may have changed the landscape of campaigning for now, but the fundamentals of voter outreach, honest messaging, and ensuring each vote is counted remain the same. Thanks to committed Democrats like you, our party has come a long way in preparing for the election of our lifetimes. But our work is far from finished, and I can't overstate the urgency of uniting behind Joe Biden and doing all we can to save our democracy from Trump and his corrupt Republican allies.

Running for president is a team effort, so it's imperative that we have Joe Biden's back as he competes with Trump and the RNC head on. Together, people like you and me have the power to shape the outcomes of this November's election, but only if we speak up, organize, and contribute to the collective success of Democrats across our country.

Donate $7 before Sunday's end-of-month deadline to invest in winning the White House, flipping the Senate, and electing Democrats nationwide, including in Texas -- our biggest battleground. Your support today could make all the difference on Election Day.

There is no limit to what we can achieve when we work together,


Beto O'Rourke

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Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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