Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The GOP is tearing Obamacare apart, Pat

Protect affordable health care.
DemocratsJoin us.
Trump is doing everything he can to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Pitch in $10 or whatever you can to help elect Democrats who will fight to save affordable health care.

Republicans keep failing to repeal Obamacare, but that doesn't mean that they've given up trying to take away our health care, Pat.

Instead, they've resorted to sabotage.

They've spent taxpayer dollars intended to help people sign up for coverage on advertisements advocating for Obamacare's repeal. Trump himself has consistently threatened to cut off subsidy payments to insurers, which would throw the system into chaos and has already contributed to premium increases. And now they've left the law's outreach groups without funding to help young and vulnerable people get covered.

They want to tear Obamacare down from the inside and deliberately hurt Americans who need health care. We have to stop them.

Pitch in $10 or whatever you can right now to expose this sabotage and help elect Democrats who will protect affordable health care.

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Or donate another amount.


Jess O'Connell
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee

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