Friday, April 15, 2016

We're filing a lawsuit against Arizona. Here's why:

DemocratsJoin us.
Today, we're filing a lawsuit against the state of Arizona.

Read on to learn more about it, and then say you'll help us fight to protect every vote:

Friend --

Today, the Democratic National Committee, along with the Arizona Democratic Party, the Kirkpatrick for Senate campaign, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, filed a federal lawsuit against the state of Arizona.

On March 22nd, we watched as thousands of Arizonans were denied their right to vote -- the most fundamental right that we hold as Americans. And we decided to act now to ensure those same injustices won't be repeated in November.

Americans have died to protect this precious right, and we won't sit idly by now as the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act are violated. As Democrats, one of our central objectives is to ensure that Americans' values are reflected in our leaders -- and we do that by protecting, preserving, and expanding the right to vote. Every single eligible American deserves a voice in our electoral process, but last month, Arizona silenced thousands of voices.

So with this lawsuit, here's what we're asking the courts to do:
  • Review and approve the county's election plan to ensure it complies with the Voting Rights Act and Constitution of the United States.
  • Require Arizona to count all out-of-precinct provisional ballots.
  • Lift the ban on voters obtaining assistance when casting an early vote, which was a longstanding practice in Arizona for years and is a matter of course in other states.
This issue is incredibly important, and not just for Arizonans. Across the country, Republicans are trying to make it harder to vote for women, communities of color, students, the elderly, and working people -- the same people Democrats spend every day fighting for.

I'm asking you today to add your name and show the Republican leadership in Arizona, and Republicans across the country who aim to disenfranchise voters with cynical and downright offensive laws, that Democrats are fighting back:

Together, we're going to expand voting access, restore the Voting Rights Act, and ensure that the most basic and critical right we hold is protected.

Thank you.


Pratt Wiley
National Director of Voter Expansion
Democratic National Committee

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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