Wednesday, December 27, 2017

We're being outspent

Billionaires and special interest groups are pouring huge sums of money into the Republican Party to take down our Democratic candidates. Here's why:
DemocratsJoin us.
Pitch in $10 or whatever you can before our end-of-year FEC deadline to help Democrats compete and win in all 50 states.

I'll get straight to the point, Pat: We're being outspent by the GOP.

Billionaires and special interest groups are pouring huge sums of money into the Republican Party to take down our Democratic candidates. Here's why:

They know that Democrats fight for working people. They know that we fight for families from every ZIP code and from every background. They know that not one Democrat in Congress voted for their tax scam that they pushed through last week.

They're scared of us -- they know that while they might have the money, they don't have the people. And if enough of our people step up to take ownership of this party, I know that we can take them on and get our country back on track.

Chip in $10 or more right now -- before our FEC deadline on Sunday -- to help Democrats take on Republicans who will spend unlimited amounts of money to defeat us.

What we raise between now and Sunday's deadline will determine how much we can fight back against Republican attacks in 2018.

The GOP has seen what we've accomplished together this year, and that's exactly why they are ready to do whatever it takes to stop us next year.

Contribute $10 or more today to give Democrats the resources necessary to beat back Republicans. Each donation made before Sunday's deadline will help Democrats win in 2018.

Thank you for chipping in what you can afford. Let's keep fighting.


Joe Smolskis
Chief Financial Officer
Democratic National Committee

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible.

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