Saturday, March 4, 2017

LEAKED: The GOP's plan to "fix" health care →

The GOP's replacement plan is about as bad as you could expect
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Republicans have been clamoring for years to repeal the Affordable Care Act -- even if it meant kicking millions of Americans off their health coverage. They've promised to replace it with something, but have never revealed the details of their plan.

House Republicans released their plan on Thursday -- but you won't be able to find it online. The GOP leadership hid the bill in the Capitol, moving it between a series of offices like a hot potato, so Democrats and even some Republicans couldn't read it.

But last weekend, some of the details leaked -- and it's about as bad as you could expect:
  • If you aren't one of the millions to lose coverage, you can expect your premiums to rise and the subsidy to help pay for insurance to decline.

  • If you get your health insurance from your employer, you'll pay higher taxes on those benefits.

  • The Medicaid expansion will be reduced drastically, as will all Medicaid benefits and eligibility. (By the way, a whopping 84% of Americans support keeping the Medicaid expansion the way it is.)

The GOP did manage to include one bright spot for millionaires and billionaires: a huge tax cut averaging $50,000 per millionaire, to be paid for by cutting an additional $370 billion from Medicaid over the next ten years.

It's clear that the GOP's health care plan would be catastrophic for the vast majority of Americans, and it's not hard to see why tens of thousands of Americans showed up at town halls just this past week to tell their members of Congress not to take their health care away.

So when Republicans emerge from the basement lair where they're plotting to destroy our health care system, let's make sure they know we won't let them do it without a fight. Add your name to stand with Democrats and commit to protecting the Affordable Care Act:

The battle to save the Affordable Care Act is just getting started. Thanks for standing up.


Eric Walker
Deputy Communications Director
Democratic National Committee

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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