Friday, September 26, 2014

Scott Walker

Friend --

The latest polls show a dead heat between me and Scott Walker. Under Walker, our state capitol has become the most divisive in the nation. People are recognizing there's a better way. I understand that it's time to focus on what matters, and use common sense to find solutions that work.

Since I started my grassroots campaign to defeat Scott Walker almost a year ago, I've been traveling all over Wisconsin to get my message out. And people have been responding -- Team Burke is growing every day.

Will you commit to joining my team and help get Wisconsin back on track?

The fact is that under Scott Walker, Wisconsin ranked dead last in the Midwest in private-sector job creation. And I KNOW we can do better than that. I'm committed to focusing on the issues that matter to the people of Wisconsin and working together to find solutions that work.

Scott Walker and his allies are spending millions of dollars on attack ads because they're nervous. They know that we have a shot at winning this election, and the polls show I can win, but I can't do it without your support.

Join Team Burke and show Scott Walker that his time in office is done:

Thanks for standing with me,

Mary Burke


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