Thursday, November 8, 2018

Florida recount:

With a margin this close in a moment this important, we can't afford to just throw in the towel. Contribute today to help fund our emergency response fund and elect Democrats nationwide.

DemocratsJoin us.
With a margin this close in a moment this important, we can't afford to just throw in the towel, Pat.

We're about to head into a recount, and I need loyal Democrats like you to help fund our emergency response fund.

Make a $10 donation right now to help get this recount started and support Democratic voter protection efforts nationwide:

This race isn't over until every last vote is counted, Pat. Rick Scott and his Republican mega donor friends are about to pour everything they've got into this recount. There couldn't be a more important time to stand with my campaign and Democrats nationwide, so I'm asking:

Will you make a $10 donation today to help support my campaign's emergency recount response and Democratic voter protection efforts nationwide?

Thank you.


Bill Nelson
U.S. Senator, Florida

P.S. You and I both know that elections like mine are often decided by a single percentage point. That is why this recount is so critical. Contribute $10 right now to make sure every vote is counted in the Florida Senate race.

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