Thursday, June 23, 2016

The sit-in is over, but we're not done yet

DemocratsJoin us.
Last night, House Democrats stood together to demand that Republicans bring commonsense gun reforms to a vote on the House floor. Add your name to stand with them today:

I am so proud to be a Democrat today.

Yesterday, after Speaker Paul Ryan and Republicans in Washington refused to address the epidemic of gun violence that's happening in communities all across the country, House Democrats staged a sit-in on the House floor to demand that Congress take action to provide universal background checks and close the loopholes that make it far too easy for terrorists and other dangerous individuals to buy guns.

They stayed on the floor through the late hours of the night because they understand that this is a pivotal time in our country's history. Ninety percent of Americans agree that something needs to be done -- so this is no longer about politics. It's about consensus. And it's time for the GOP to get with the program.

Let's show our House Democrats that they have our support! Add your name to tell Republicans: Americans want gun reform now:

Thank you for taking this stand today.

All the best,


Amy K. Dacey
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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