Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Protect a woman's right to choose:

Pacquiao --

Republicans in Congress are going after a woman's right to choose -- again.

They are pushing legislation to limit abortions that is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

Help support Democrats fighting to protect a woman's right to make her own health care decisions. Chip in $5 or more today to defend against Republican attacks.

Just last week a federal court of appeals ruled that a similar law in Arizona was unconstitutional.

But the author of this bill, Arizona Congressman Trent Franks, and his Republican colleagues are more determined than ever to turn back the clock and take away a woman's right to choose -- and they believe they have the support in the House to get it done.

Democrats will not let this happen -- we won't let women be forced back into unsafe, illegal abortions.

Send the message to Rep. Franks and his Republican colleagues that a woman's right to choose is not up for debate. Chip in $5 or more to help Democrats fight back:



Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Democratic National Committee

P.S. -- I wish I could say this issue was settled, and didn't have to ask for your help. But this is simply too important, and we need your support right now. Please chip in $5 or whatever you can today.

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible.

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