I'm all in to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris, and I hope you are, too. Before I go into more detail, I have to let you know: The Biden-Harris campaign is facing a big end-of-month fundraising deadline tonight, and they could use your support to reach their ambitious goal. Can you pitch in $25 now? If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: | | Joe and Kamala have led our country forward with determination and grit. Thanks to Democratic majorities that you built and your outside mobilization, Democrats delivered For The People: we've lowered prescription drug costs for people all over the country, while making unprecedented investments in our nation's infrastructure and clean energy. Under the leadership of President Biden and Vice President Harris and with the hard work of Democrats in Congress, our unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in decades. While Joe and Kamala have been focused on building meaningful progress, extreme Republicans have been busy demonstrating just how out of touch they are with the American people -- pushing for a nationwide abortion ban, threatening to slash Social Security and Medicare, and attacking voting rights and our democracy. Over the last few years, we have seen an extreme MAGA movement work tirelessly in states across the country to diminish freedom of reproductive care and health care, freedom from gun violence and discrimination, and freedom to make a living and retire with dignity and have a say in the destiny of our democracy. Make no mistake: if Republicans win in 2024, they'll bring this dangerous agenda nationwide. The fight for freedom is the fight we face -- not only in 2024, but right this very minute. Democrats must guard the progress that we have won For The People and defend our freedoms and democracy. Together, we must take back the House; grow our majority in the Senate; and reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris to a second term in the White House! The choice is clear. We can allow Republicans to elect their most extreme candidates to the White House and roll back all the results and progress we fought so hard to deliver together…or we can do everything we can right now to reelect Joe and Kamala. I know my choice and I hope you do, too. If you're with me, pitch in $25 to support the Biden-Harris campaign ahead of today's major end-of-month fundraising deadline! Thank you, Nancy Nancy Pelosi Speaker Emerita U.S. Representative, CA-11  |